Honda Outboards
Honda Outboards.
Honda Marine distributes a full line of marine engines ranging from 2 to 350 horsepower. Honda was among the first manufacturers to offer 4-stroke outboards in America, and the first to offer a full line of lightweight 4-stroke outboards. More than 60 years later, Honda outboards still set the standard for fuel efficiency, performance and ease of operation.
Honda Marine.
You own a boat because you love spending time on the water. Choose the outboard that allows you to make the most of it. Honda’s legendary reliability, durability, ease-of-maintenance, and powerful performance keep you going strong.
So you can spend more time fishing, swimming, skiing, diving, exploring, or just relaxing in that special spot you love so much. All backed by the peace-of-mind protection of the industry’s best warranty. It’s what you expect from the world’s largest manufacturer of engines. The company whose engines lead the way on land, water, and in the air.